Tuesday, June 30, 2009


So after our film shoot last week in Miramichi, the boys from Hemmings House Pictures high tailed it back to Saint John. But while searching for just the right song on thier ipod to jump the curb to, Lauchlin and Nick found themselves airborne a bit too soon.

It's a very important thing timing is. When you're looking to roll your car over a 50 foot cliff and tumble it down into the woods as all your camera gear explodes out the windows, you certainly want the right MP3 to go along with it. Such a chance was missed here. Well, at least it wasn't their car.

Nick shows that eating his vitamins and saying his prayers like a good Hulkamaniac can get you through the total destruction of a dodge neon, while inside it, brother.
Mean Gene


  1. You won't believe the song they went over the edge to....

    Europe "The Final Countdown"

    So embarrassing...


  2. In your car no less..hilarious man.
