I'd like to highlight some of the music videos we've had the pleasure to work on with studios such as Tarofish, Horseback Salad and Powerhouse Animation. These guys are all excellent folks and are all great friends whom I've known for and worked with for some time now.
Here's some of our works together:

This video for Pat Green was a project that Horseback Salad came to us with, they needed help with the animation, mainly the sequences where they're out in the desert riding the motorcycles and stuff. We outsourced some scenes to our trustworthy pals at Copernicus Studios for some backup. Check out the video here. The guys at Horseback really brought it all together in post production, nice work guys!!

This video for The Dears was a project that my good pal Sean Scott at Tarofish Animation came to me with a few months ago, he needed some help finishing it up. Fatkat's Pat and Cindy took it on, hammering out scene left, right and center, hell even I got in there and did some stuff. The video and song are super hot, Sean did an amazing job directing the animated sequences; made me buy the album!

One of the first videos we did was with our long time pals at Powerhouse Animation in Texas. They came to Fatkat back in July of last year. The video was all done traditionally, what!? By hand!? Yes, by hand, it was all on paper then inked by hand, scanned, streamlined and imported into flash for colouring. Post was done importing PNG sequences into After Effects for final render. The result? - The first country music animated music video, and the first animated country music video to hit the top ten and stay there, for almost 2 months! Nice job to Powerhouse for making it look great! Check it out!
We hope to be working on more animation videos in the future, the quick turnaround stuff gets us excited. It's a faster reward being able to see your work on screen only a week or so after you're done.
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