Saturday, September 30, 2006


To complete the kustom Fatkat goalie gear that we got in exchange for doing the new website for Brian's Manufacturing early this year, I needed to get my new mask painted up with some kustom design action. Who better to take it to then...

Tim graduated from the same animation school that I went to, NBCC Miramichi and has some great drawing skills, his real talents lie within airbrushing and man is that ever an art form!

I had some pretty odd requests for this mask, old skool flames, tons of metal flake and alot of detail work.

Candy Apple "Fatkat" Red going over the flame and metal flake.

Here's the mask just before the final coat of clear. Logo in check right to the letter, Tim's incredible attention to detail leaves a lasting impression.

Love the pinstripe s on the chin and foreheadd. REAL CLASSY!

Now all assembled with the chrome cage it looks fabulous!

Harold and Charlie approve Tim, you've done good!

I can't wait to get a puck in the face!


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